以生產(chǎn)型企業(yè)為例,它們往往是高能耗的單位,適逢用電高峰期,用電問題是他們面對的頭等大事,加上這幾年國家號召節(jié)能減排,為了保證產(chǎn)生,一些企業(yè)往往會自發(fā)的建設備用應急電源,用來彌補用電高峰時電力不足的問題。 光伏發(fā)電是一種取之不盡用之不竭的新能源,這幾年也得到國家層面的大力支持與推動,從集中式電站到分布式電站,國家出臺了一系列細則與補貼辦法,企業(yè)與個人對于光伏發(fā)電的認知也有了更大的改變。
目前光伏電站主要有兩類應用,一種是大型地面電站,主要分布在西北人跡稀少的地方;其次就是分布式光伏電站,比如家庭屋頂、工商業(yè)屋頂、漁光互補等,而工商業(yè)屋頂作為分布式光伏電站的重要應用市場,現(xiàn)在也被推到很高的層面。企業(yè)廠房通常具有 屋頂面積大、屋面平整,遮擋物少,自身用電量大,電價高等特點,非常適合安裝自發(fā)自用為主的光伏發(fā)電系統(tǒng)。 工商業(yè)光伏電站不受資源分布地域的限制,利用建筑屋面閑置資源,無噪聲,無污染。
隨著工業(yè)的發(fā)展和人類活動規(guī)模的擴大,對化石能源和自然資源的過度開發(fā)利用導致溫室氣體排放顯著增長;根據(jù)聯(lián)合國《2021 年排放差距報告》顯示,2021 年全球二氧化碳排放量將出現(xiàn)強勁反彈,化石能源二氧化碳排放量可能增長 4.8%。溫室氣體的過量排放將導致全球升溫并引發(fā)熱浪、洪水、干旱、海平面上升等一系列自然災害,積極應對碳排放問題已成為全球共識。減少碳排放最有效的途徑就是提高非石化能源的消費比例,截至 2020 年末,全球已有超過 130 個國家制定了可再生能源發(fā)展目標,有近 40 個國家設立了“碳中和”的目標;美國、歐盟、英國、日本等主要發(fā)達經(jīng)濟體均承諾在 2050年前實現(xiàn)“碳中和”。
根據(jù) IRENA 預測,在全球 2050 年實現(xiàn)碳中和的背景下,到 2050 年電力將成為最主要的終端能源消費形式,占比達 51%。其中,90%的電力由可再生能源發(fā)電供應。
數(shù)據(jù)來源:《World Energy Transitions Outlook》,IRENA,2021.10
其中,光伏作為目前資源最易得、性價比最高的可再生清潔能源,肩負在碳中和時代,成為全球主力能源的重任。根據(jù) IRENA 預測,2050 年全球光伏累計裝機量將達到 14,000GW。以 2021 年全球光伏累計裝機量約為 850GW 測算,增長空間達到 16.5 倍,成長確定性高。
數(shù)據(jù)來源:《World Energy Transitions Outlook》,IRENA,2021.10
而從短期來看,2022 年,在光伏發(fā)電成本持續(xù)下降和全球綠色復蘇等有利因素的推動下,全球光伏市場將繼續(xù)維持快速增長趨勢。根據(jù)中國光伏行業(yè)協(xié)會預計,“十四五”期間全球每年新增光伏裝機約 232-286GW。
Nowadays, some companies are no longer as skeptical about building rooftop photovoltaic power plants as they used to be. Smart energy use and cost saving have always been highly valued.
Taking production-oriented enterprises as an example, they are often high energy consuming units, and during peak electricity consumption periods, electricity consumption issues are their top priority. In addition, in recent years,
the country has called for energy conservation and emission reduction. In order to ensure production, some enterprises often spontaneously build backup emergency power sources to compensate for the shortage of electricity during peak electricity
consumption. Photovoltaic power generation is an inexhaustible new energy source that has received strong support and promotion from the national level in recent years. From centralized power stations to distributed power stations, the
country has introduced a series of detailed rules and subsidy measures, and the understanding of photovoltaic power generation by enterprises and individuals has also undergone greater changes.
At present, there are two main types of applications for photovoltaic power plants. One is large-scale ground power plants, mainly distributed in sparsely populated areas in the northwest; Secondly, there are distributed photovoltaic
power stations, such as home roofs, industrial and commercial roofs, and complementary fishing and lighting. As an important application market for distributed photovoltaic power stations, industrial and commercial roofs are now being
pushed to a very high level. Enterprise factories typically have large roof areas, flat roofs, few obstructions, high electricity consumption, and high electricity prices, making them very suitable for installing photovoltaic power generation
systems primarily for self use. Industrial and commercial photovoltaic power stations are not limited by the geographical distribution of resources, utilizing idle resources on building roofs, without noise and pollution.
Four Benefits of Industrial and Commercial Roof Photovoltaics
Revitalizing fixed assets and reducing electricity expenses for enterprises will benefit them for at least 20 years
Building photovoltaic power plants on the roof of enterprises is a one-time investment for enterprises, with stable returns every day. Everyone knows that industrial and commercial electricity costs are much higher than civilian
electricity, and the annual electricity expenditure is not cheap. After the installation of photovoltaic power generation, achieving spontaneous self use and surplus electricity connected to the grid can not only reduce electricity costs,
but also enjoy national subsidies for photovoltaic power generation.
02 Reduce enterprise energy consumption and alleviate electricity shortages.
For production oriented enterprises, energy consumption issues have always existed, especially during peak electricity consumption periods. Enterprises have adopted various power generation systems to supplement, but the investment
is high and the output is low. So, many companies choose photovoltaic power generation because the investment cost is relatively low, the power generation is relatively stable, and the photovoltaic power generation time is basically consistent
with the peak electricity consumption period of the enterprise, truly achieving peak shaving effect.
03 Energy conservation and emission reduction, improving the environment, and enhancing the corporate social image
After installing photovoltaic power plants on the roof of enterprises, the comprehensive utilization of solar energy and buildings is achieved, which not only achieves the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction, but
also fulfills the social responsibility of improving the surrounding environment, increasing reputation.
04 Heat insulation and cooling to improve employee work environment
The construction of photovoltaic power plants on top of the factory building has a certain degree of cooling effect, especially in summer. Usually, it can reduce the workshop temperature by 3-6 degrees, which undoubtedly improves
the working environment for workers engaged in production work and reduces the electricity cost incurred by cooling for enterprises.
Against the backdrop of "carbon neutrality", the global photovoltaic industry has enormous potential for development
With the development of industry and the expansion of human activities, the Overexploitation of fossil energy and natural resources has led to a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions; According to the United Nations'
2021 Emission Gap Report, global carbon dioxide emissions will experience a strong rebound in 2021, with fossil energy carbon dioxide emissions likely to increase by 4.8%. Excessive emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to global warming
and trigger a series of natural disasters such as heatwaves, floods, droughts, and rising sea levels. Actively addressing carbon emissions has become a global consensus.
The most effective way to reduce carbon emissions is to increase the proportion of non petrochemical energy consumption. As of the end of 2020, more than 130 countries worldwide have set renewable energy development goals, and nearly 40 countries have
set "carbon neutrality" goals; Major developed economies such as the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Japan have all pledged to achieve "carbon neutrality" by 2050.
According to IRENA's prediction,
in the context of achieving carbon neutrality globally by 2050, electricity will become the main form of terminal energy consumption, accounting for 51%. Among them, 90% of the electricity is supplied by renewable energy generation.
Among them, photovoltaic, as the most easily available and cost-effective renewable clean energy, shoulders the responsibility of becoming the global main energy source in the era of carbon neutrality. According to IRENA's prediction,
the cumulative installed capacity of global photovoltaics will reach 14000GW by 2050. Based on the global cumulative photovoltaic installed capacity of approximately 850GW in 2021, the growth potential is 16.5 times higher, indicating
high growth certainty.
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